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Children experience a high-quality learning environment that supports play in all seasons, with top resources and qualified teachers who love to teach.
Leaving your child in a new environment can be a difficult thing to do, especially at such a young age, and we believe it is up to us to show that your child is in a caring and trusting environment.
Parents will feel connected to their child's experiences and will receive information on how their child has sleep, eaten, and the teacher's observations on their child's well-being, relationships, and learning.
The sharing of information enables parents to trust the teachers and the setting, and feel assured that their child is well cared for, settled and secure.
Parents and families are welcome inside the centre. Our manager and teachers take the time for verbal communications when parents drop off or pick up their child. We love having parents contribute to their children's learning and sharing with us their child's interests and learning at home.
If time is short during drop off or pick up and parents would like a meeting with the manager or a teacher please phone or email the centre and a time will be arranged.
Storypark is our online platform to stay connected with families.
Storypark is an effective two-way communication tool to share essential updates, messages, photos, and children's routines and learning.
We use Storypark for:
We still provide hard copies of the sharing of information and learning at the centre.
A snapshot of your child's time spent at Natural Steps illustrating your child's strengths, interests, recording their efforts, program, and achievements. This is an important book where child can revisit their learning and child are able to self access their learning.
Newsletters provides a source of communication between the centre and parents. Our newsletter lets you know our monthly calendar, what learning is happen at the centre, teacher news, centre internal evaluation and policy review, and photographs and articles on everything from field trips to finger painting :-)